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▶ Agreement on Collection and Use of Personal Information

IQCS collects personal information with the same information as the above member information in accordance with the relevant statutes. Please read the following carefully and understand everything before deciding whether to agree. All information you provide is available for the following purposes and is not intended for any other purpose.

① Items and items to collect personal information
Name, date of birth, address, e-mail, phone number, nationality, educational background&midot;career, disability, qualification
② Purpose of personal information use
Tasks related to member management, registration of auditor, certification of qualifications, and renewal of qualifications;
③ Period of personal information retention and use
Membership From the date of consent for use to the time of withdrawal from membership
④ Right to Deny Consent
You have the right to refuse to agree to the collection and use of personal information under this guidance. However, if you refuse to accept the collection/use of personal information, we inform you that disadvantages may arise in the registration of the auditor and the certification of qualification.
I am fully aware of the contents of the above agreement, and I am aware of the collection and use of personal information.

Feb, 52, 2025

Agree    Disagree

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